Understanding Your Options for Bulk Location Warehouse Signs
Signs are an important part of a smoothly run warehouse or distribution center. They help workers quickly identify aisles and locations, they support operational accuracy and efficiency, and they help to improve safety and reduce injuries.
For this post, we talked to John Roggeveen, an ID Label senior business development manager, for his insights about design and installation options for warehouse bulk location signage.

Bulk Storage
As the name implies, bulk storage areas in a warehouse or DC are where certain equipment, supplies or raw goods are stored as part of a facility’s fulfillment or manufacturing operations.
“They’re often stored in their original containers, as they were received,” Roggeveen said. “Whether that be cases on pallets, drums, crates or other bulky items that wouldn’t normally be stored in a rack bay location.”
“For operations that can accommodate long-range mobile scanning, ID Label uses retro-reflective barcode graphics for optimum scan accuracy.”
– John Roggeveen, ID Label
Identifying Bulk Locations
Properly identifying bulk storage areas can be a little more challenging than simply applying barcode labels to rack bay locations.
“Overhead signs are highly recommended for identifying and managing bulk storage inventory,” Roggeveen said. “They typically contain a barcode image and human-readable numbers or letters.”
For operations that can accommodate long-range mobile scanning, retro-reflective graphics are used for optimum scan accuracy.
“Many of today’s scanners can read 1D or 2D barcode images up to 50 feet away,” he said. “This means workers can quickly and safely scan bulk locations without leaving their lift trucks.”
“It takes experience, knowledge and specialized equipment to accurately and safely hang signs. Give strong consideration to hiring a professional crew.”
Sign Shape and Material Options
ID Label produces warehouse signs in a variety of shapes, designs and materials.
“The most common material we use is a lightweight, rigid PVC,” Roggeveen said. “It’s durable and cost effective. Coroplast and anodized aluminum are also options, depending on the environment.”

Workers can scan ID Label’s innovative “Z” shaped bulk location signs from either side for maximum speed and efficiency.
Overhead barcode signs are typically bent so that they angle down for scanning convenience.
“ID Label also offers an innovative ‘Z’ design that is very popular for bulk storage areas,” Roggeveen said. “It allows workers to scan the barcode from either side, which really maximizes speed and efficiency.”
Custom colors and designs are also options to consider when discussing warehouse signs with your vendor.
Installation Options
Overhead sign installation can easily accommodate a building’s infrastructure. Typically, signs are hung from conduit or metal cabling. They might also be mounted to existing joists or fixtures, where possible.
“It takes experience, knowledge and specialized equipment to accurately and safely hang signs,” Roggeveen said. “Give strong consideration to hiring a professional crew. If it’s a new facility, they can take care of installing both the signs and rack labels. You’ll have peace of mind knowing the installation will be done right, and you can focus on the other critical aspects of meeting your go-live date.”

Don’t Forget Warehouse Floor Marking
Professional warehouse floor markings ensure that space for bulk inventory is maximized. Properly striped floors help warehouse workers safely use equipment and walkways, keep bulk storage items neatly organized and ensure that space is used efficiently.
ID Label offers complete floor striping services.
Download: “Buyer’s Guide to Warehouse Signs”
Download our buyer’s guide to learn about common types of warehouse signs—including designs and materials—to help you understand your options.

Learn More
ID Label is the premier provider of warehouse signs and labels – and we also offer turnkey installation services.
Contact us to learn more about your bulk storage signage options, installation services or to speak with a representative immediately.